Smoke and Heat alarm
Owner’s Manual
230V Interconnectable Mains Operated Alarms For models:
1SF23/9HI, 1SF23/9HIR, 1SF23/9HIRE, 2SF23/9HI, 2SF23/9HIR,
2SF23/9HIRE, 3SF23/9HI, 3SF23/9HIR, 3SF23/9HIRE
Your hom e is protected with a KIDDE Fyrnetics alarm /s
Please read through our guide in full. It should be retained for future reference.
Cut out page 6 and pin up near your Consum er Unit/Fuse Box.
Kidde Fyrnetics recom m ends for m axim um protection that both ionisation and opti-
cal (photo-electric) sm oke alarm s be installed. Ionisation technology is faster at
detecting fast flam ing fires that give off little sm oke. Optical (photo-electric) technology
is faster at responding to slow, sm ouldering sm oky fires. Heat alarm s are installed
in environm ents where excessive steam , dust etc. m ake sm oke alarm s im practical
e.g. kitchens/boiler room s/lofts.
Electrical rating 230V AC,
50Hz 80m A m ax per alarm
(m axim um 80m A for originating unit
with 24 alarm s interconnected).
Lic No: 7861
BS 5446: Pt. 1: 2002
*Kite m ark is not applicable to 300 series m odels.
Kidde Safety Europe, Mathisen Way, Colnbrook, SL3 0HB, UK.
© Kidde Fyrnetics 2001
Section 1. Alarm Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Section 2. Important Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Section 3. Types of Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Section 4. How to Operate/Test the Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Section 5. Battery Checking/Changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Section 6. Checking Battery Back-up on Rechargeable/Long Life Models . . . .8
Section 7. Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Section 8. What to do in an Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Section 9. Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Section 10. Useful Hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Section 11. Good Safety Habits (Cut off Section) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Section 12. What to do when the Alarm Sounds (Cut off Section) . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Section 13. Limitation of Smoke/Heat Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Section 14. Service and Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Read this m anual thoroughly and follow its instructions regards
regular m aintenance. – it could save your life.
b. Alarm Types
Ionisation (Ion) alarm s are the m ost com m on type and provide early detection,
especially against fast flam ing fires. Most suitable for dining and living room
areas. Ion alarm s contain 0.9 m icrocurie of Am ericium 241, a radioactive m aterial.
UK Hom e Office and BS5839 Pt6 recom m end however, that optical alarm s are also
used especially in locations where steam or cooking fum es, from a nearby room
could cause nuisance alarm s.
No one type of alarm is considered suitable for all locations.
Clear Air
Sm oke
Sm oke
Radio Active
Optical (Photo-Electric) alarm s are increasingly used and are less prone to nuisance
alarm s from cooking fum es. They are therefore the recom m ended type in BS5839
Pt6, for fitting near kitchen areas and on escape routes/circulation spaces.
Clear Air
Sm oke
Heat alarm s are for use in areas where Ion or Optical sm oke alarm s would be
unsuitable e.g. kitchens, boiler room s, garages. However, they m ust always be
used interconnected to sm oke alarm s – do not use in isolation. (They will typically
go into alarm when the tem perature reaches 57°C.) Suitable for new Building
Regulations applicable 1/7/2000 regarding use in kitchens.
4. How to Operate/Test the Alarm
a. Operation and L.E.D. Status
When your alarm is correctly installed to the m ains supply, the green L.E.D. light
will be on. The red L.E.D. will blink every 30-40 seconds to indicate the sensor is
operating correctly. If the alarm senses products of com bustion, it’s 85dB horn will
be activated. The red L.E.D. will flash rapidly on the alarm sensing sm oke/heat.
(Other interconnected alarm s will also sound to warn those in other parts of the
property.) This will continue until the sensor cham ber is clear.
In the case of a heat alarm , it will be triggered when the tem perature reaches 57°C
and return to it’s standby m ode when the tem perature drops to norm al levels. On
optical alarm s if the red L.E.D. blinks every 30-40 seconds and the alarm chirps
inbetween, it indicates failure of the sensing cham ber.
Regularly check and ensure that the green L.E.D. is lit – if not, check the consum er
unit/ circuit breaker connection. As w ith previous point above, if in doubt, consult
an electrician or your Landlord.
b. Testing
Utilise the test button to test the alarm . Do not use naked flam es as this does not
replicate sm oke and m ay cause physical dam age to the alarm .
Test all your alarm s w eekly – rem em ber they are life saving devices, protecting
the fam ily and hom e.
Press and hold the test button until the alarm sounds. All interconnected alarm s
will also sound. (Do not stand too close to the alarm during testing – hearing m ay
be dam aged.)
c. Hush Button
This feature tem porarily desensitises the alarm circuit for approxim ately 7 m inutes.
This feature is to be used only when a known alarm condition, such as fum es
from cooking, activates the alarm . The alarm is desensitised by pushing the
“HUSH” button on the alarm cover. If the sm oke is not too dense, the alarm will
silence im m ediately and “chirp” every 30-40 seconds for approxim ately 7 m inutes.
This indicates that the alarm is in a tem porarily desensitised condition. The alarm
will autom atically reset after approxim ately 7 m inutes and sound the alarm if particles
of com bustion are still present. The “HUSH” feature can be used repeatedly until
the air has been cleared of the condition causing the alarm .
Note: Dense smoke will override the hush control feature and sound a continuous alarm.
Caution: Before using the alarm hush feature, identify the source of the sm oke and
be certain a safe condition exists. (On heat alarm s with hush, the alarm s sensor has
detected a high tem perature – e.g. 57°C. Check for possible causes
d. Nuisance Alarm s
Warning: Persistent nuisance alarm s indicates incorrect type and/or siting of
alarm . Review with your installer or Landlord after cleaning as described in
Section 7 (Maintenance).
5. Battery Checking/Changing*
Loose Battery Models
a. Low Battery Indicator (AC m odels with loose battery only)
If you hear the alarm chirp continuously every 30-40 seconds at the sam e tim e as
the led flashes (and have not just pressed the hush button) it indicates the battery
voltage is at an unacceptably low level. Replace the battery at the next possible
b. Battery Change
i. Firstly isolate the m ains supply at the consum er unit by identifying the appro-
priate circuit. This m ay be a dedicated fuse m arked “Fire/Sm oke Alarm s” or
with a sym bol such as
(If you rent your property, your Landlord m ay arrange this service for you.)
Consum er Unit
The green L.E.D. should now be out. If not, recheck before proceeding.
* See page 5, section “v”
ii. Slide scewdriver blade in recess to unlock from base.
iii. Unclip and slide alarm as illustrated.
iv. Note correct position of battery and install replacem ent type as listed below. The
alarm cannot be replaced without a battery installed.
- +
Reverse procedure to re-install alarm .
We recom m end the use of alkaline for a longer service life.
Battery type/ code nos.
Alkaline type: Eveready 522; Duracell MN1604; Duracell Ultra MX1604;
*On rechargeable m odels there are no user serviceable
batteries to be changed. (See Section 6.)
vi. When you have fitted a fresh battery, check test button; if horn sounds then
reverse the process above, reconnect to the m ains and switch circuit back on at
Consum er Unit.
If in any doubt, consult a qualified electrician as m ains electricity can
be hazardous.
Good Safety Habits
(Section 11)
Develop and practice a plan of escape:
• Make a floor plan indicating all doors and windows and
at least two escape routes from each room . Second
storey windows m ay need a rope or chain ladder.
• Have a fam ily m eeting and discuss your escape plan,
showing everyone what to do in case of a fire.
• Determ ine a place outside your hom e where you can
m eet if a fire occurs.
• Fam iliarise everyone with the sound of the alarm and
train them to leave your hom e when they
hear it.
• Practice a fire drill at least every six m onths. Practice
allows you to test your plan before an em ergency. You
m ay not be able to reach your children.
It is im portant they know what to do.
What to do when the Alarm Sounds
(Section 12)
• Leave im m ediately by your escape plan. Every second
counts, so don’t waste tim e getting dressed or picking
up valuables.
• In leaving, don’t open any inside door without first feel-
ing its surface. If hot, or you see sm oke seeping through
cracks, don’t open that door!
Instead use your alternative exit.
• If the inside of the door is cool, place your shoulder
against it, open it slightly and be ready to slam it shut if
heat and sm oke rush in.
• Stay close to the floor if the air is sm oky.
Breathe shallowly through a cloth, wet if possible.
• Once outside, go to your selected m eeting place and
m ake sure everyone is there.
• Call the fire brigade on 999 from your neighbour’s hom e
or a call box – not from yours.
• Don’t return to your hom e until the fire officials say that
it is all right to do so.
Installation Date:
Alarm Model(s):
Installer/ Landlord:
Kidde Safety Europe,
Mathisen Way, Colnbrook, SL3 0HB, UK.
6. Checking Battery Back-up on Rechargeable/Long Life Models
There is no user replaceable battery on rechargeable m odels. This will be indicated
on the product; additionally there is no battery com partm ent. To check charge
on these m odels, switch off the alarm s AC supply at the Consum er Unit/Fuse
Box. The green L.E.D. w ill go out. Push the test button to check battery only
m ode works. If the rechargeable battery is depleted, the low battery beep will be
heard once every 40 seconds. If the alarm has received AC m ains power for a
m inim um of 3 days prior to this, you will need to have the unit changed by your
installer or Landlord.
7. Maintenance
Your alarm is a life saving device. Spending a few m inutes
each m onth in vacuum ing off any excess dust will enhance it’s
perform ance and reduce the likelihood of nuisance alarm s.
Vacuum up to the grill and through the slots where dust/talc
etc. can enter. Wipe off with a very m ildly dam p cloth. Never
use cleaning agents/polishes etc..
Never attem pt to open the inside of the alarm
– this w ill invalidate it’s guarantee.
8. What to do in an Emergency
If an alarm sounds without anyone pressing the test button you have a potential
em ergency.
Don’t panic – you will need to think clearly to ensure all fam ily m em bers escape
as soon as possible. Never stop to collect belongings etc. – they are replaceable.
Check the tem perature of door handles or doors to check if hot –
if hot do not open them – a fire will be raging the other side of the door.
Find an alternative escape route.
Keep doors/windows closed to contain the fire after you have passed through them .
Call 999 from a neighbour’s phone or call box.
This is preferable to using a m obile.
Do not re-enter the property until advised it is safe to do so by a Fire Brigade
Always be aware of the dangers of fire and ensure your alarm s
are functioning, together with equipm ent such as
fire extinguishers/fire blankets etc..
9. Troubleshooting
Always turn off the m ains supply to AC alarm s before checking connections etc..
Sym ptom
Possible cause/ solutions
1. Green L.E.D. not lit
a. Loss of m ains power – check at Consum er Unit
for Blown Fuse or tripped Circuit Breaker.
b. Check cables at back of alarm , are correctly
seated / wired in and the alarm is pushed fully
hom e (see “Battery Changing” section).
2. Frequent nuisance
alarm s
See sections 4d and 7.
3. Alarm chirps every 40
See section 5 (if the hush button has been pressed
the unit will chirp for 7 m inutes to indicate it is in
hush m ode).
4. Alarm does not sound
when test button
See parts 1a and 1b above.
pressed and held.
5. Interconnected alarm s
do not sound when
test button is pressed
and held.
See part 1b above – consult a qualified electrician
or your Landlord to rem edy as soon as possible.
10. Useful Hints
Sm oke/heat alarm s can only operate correctly if sm oke particles/ heat reach the
unit. Correct selection/siting and installation are covered in the installers m anual,
who fitted your alarm /s.
UK Building Regulations require new hom es to have 1 hard wired sm oke alarm
per floor and to be interlinked. During 2000 they will additionally require an
interlinked heat alarm to be fitted in m ost kitchens too. i.e. 3 alarm s per property.
With the exception of garages/kitchens/bathroom s it is recom m ended that
sm oke alarm s are fitted in every room and outside all sleeping areas too.
A professional electrician should be em ployed for all m ains powered (hard
wired) alarm s.
If you are redecorating your hom e, paint fum es can contam inate the alarm –
tem porarily cover the unit with a plastic bag (during this tim e the alarm will not
function). Never paint the alarm itself.
Only rem ove the bag when the paint is thoroughly dry.
If you extend your property, review your alarm requirem ents.
Sm oke/heat alarm s should be replaced every 10 years or sooner.
These products are designed for dom estically scaled prem ises.
13. Limitations of Smoke/Heat Alarms
Warning! Alarm s are devices that can provide early warning of possible fires at a rea-
sonable cost; however, alarm s have sensing lim itations. Ionisation type alarm s offer a
broad range of fire sensing capability but are better at detecting fast flam ing fires
than slow sm ouldering fires. Optical (Photo-electric) alarm s sense slow sm ouldering fires
better than flam ing fires. Hom e fires develop in different ways and are often unpre-
dictable. Neither type of alarm (Photo-electric or Ionisation) is always best, and a
given alarm m ay not always provide warning of a fire.
Heat alarm s are triggered when a tem perature of 57°C is reached – they m ust always
be used in conjunction and interconnected to sm oke alarm s.
Loose batteries, where fitted m ust be of the specified type, in good condition and
installed properly.
AC only powered alarm s will not operate if AC power has been cut off such as by an
electrical fire, an open fuse or loss of m ains supply.
All alarm s m ust be tested regularly to m ake sure the batteries and the alarm circuits
are in good operating condition.
Sm oke alarm s cannot provide an alarm if sm oke does not reach the unit. Therefore,
sm oke alarm s m ay not sense fires starting in chim neys, walls, on roofs, on the other
side of a closed door or on a different floor. If the alarm is located outside the bed-
room or on a different floor, it m ay not wake up a sound sleeper. Equally heat alarm s
will only be triggered if they are correctly sited to detect heat. The use of alcohol or
drugs m ay also im pair ones ability to hear the alarm . For m axim um protection a sm oke
alarm should be installed in each sleeping area on every level of a hom e. Hearing
im paired occupiers should consider fitting additional strobe accessories to give a
visual alarm .
Although sm oke/heat alarm s can help save lives by providing an early warning of a
fire, they are not a substitute for an insurance policy. Hom e owners and renters
should have adequate insurance to protect their property.
If after reviewing this m anual you feel that your sm oke alarm is defective in any way,
do not tam per with the unit. Return it prepaid for servicing to: Kidde Safety Europe,
Mathisen Way, Colnbrook, SL3 0HB, UK – Em ail:, or refer to
your installer or Landlord.
14. Service and Guarantee
Kidde Fyrnetics guarantees to you as a purchaser that the enclosed sm oke alarm will be
free of defects in m aterial, workm anship or design under norm al use and service for a
period of 6 years, excluding any loose batery supplied. This extends to 10 years on Hard
Wired Rechargeable/Long Life, products (from the date of installation) including the back
up battery/powercell.
The Guarantee is not assignable. Our liability to you, under this guarantee is lim ited to
repairing or replacing any part which we find to be defective in m aterial, workm anship or
design, free of charge to the custom er, who is situated within the UK, upon sending the
alarm with proof of date of purchase, postage prepaid, to Kidde Safety Europe, Mathisen
Way, Colnbrook, SL3 0HB, UK.
The term s of this guarantee will not apply in the following circum stances: If alarm has
been dam aged, m odified, neglected, dism antled, contam inated, abused or altered after
the date of purchase, or if it fails to operate due to incorrect selection, siting, installation,
m aintenance or inadequate AC or DC electrical power,or dam age caused by failure to
abide by the instructions supplied.
The liability of Kidde Fyrnetics, arising from the sale of this alarm or under the term s of
this guarantee shall not in any case exceed the cost of replacem ent of the alarm , in no
case, shall be liable for consequential loss or dam aged resulting from the failure of the
alarm or for the breach of this or any other guarantee, express or im plied, or for dam aged
caused by failure to abide by the instructions supplied. This guarantee does not affect
your statutory rights.
Kidde Fyrnetics m akes no guarantee, express or im plied, written or oral, including that of
satisfactory quality or fitness for any particular purpose, with respect to the battery,
except built-in rechargeable/Long Life cells.
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